
时间:2023-07-13 10:36:35



英文感谢信 篇1

Dear Mr. xxx,

Thank you so much for meeting with me yesterday at xxxxx. I really enjoyed discussing the mechanical engineering internship (#254987) posted for this coming summer and learning more about Allied Aircraft. I believe that my skills and abilities mesh well with the requirements for the position.

As I mentioned during the interview, I am currently a junior in the mechanical engineering program here at Penn State. Through my course work, I have gained experience in project management, teamwork, a ……此处隐藏4587个字……ly,thank you fo binging me up!with you geat cae,i gow healthly and stong!when i was ill,you always took time off fom wok to look afte me!how woied you wee!i know,that's you love fo me!but when you wee ill,i find that i neve looked afte you!when i think about this,i feel vey ashamed!soy,mom,i should take cae of you like a son shoule be doing!besides,mum,do you know that you ae such a teific cook!i enjoy the yeas of eating you good cooking,the equal of which i had not found eve. mom,i want to say,i love you!

lastly,thank you fo teaching me how to be a human!i leaned to tell the tuth,to shae,and to be fogiving and consideate of othes.so i have a lot of fiends and have a happy life!thank you,mom!i love you!

love from,


